Aalborg Engineering received in 2013 orders for delivering a boiler plant to the Russian company Acron, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of fertilizer, in connection with the construction of a new ammonia production in Novogorod
Aalborg Engineering sought assistance to the preparation of tender documents for sub suppliers, selection and purchase of correct components according to the project specification and applicable legal requirements for safety and construction of pressure equipment.
The task
Adding contributed with the case handling of most mechanical components, such as:
Stop and regulating valves
Feed water valves
Water separators and non-return valves
Air and steam vents
Safety valves and start-up valves with silencers
Steam-Air preheaters
Water level gauge
Feed water pumps
DeNox unit (NH3)
Catalyst for DeNox plant
Combustion air blower with combined steam turbine / electric motor drive
Gas burners with gas racks
Requirements for component documentation for exports to Russia
In addition to the case handling of mechanical components, Adding was asked to assist with the collection and preparation of the important documents, in corporation with a Belarusian consulting firm to secure that the boiler system had the necessary documentation for export of industrial equipment to Russia.
GOST R certificate
TR Certificate
Technical passport
Pattern approval
Management of shipping documents in connection with the packing and marking of components for export to Russia was also performed by Adding.
About the plant:
+ Boiler type: Aalborg Engineering SteamGen 4
+ Performance: 140 ton steam/hour
+ Boiler pressure: 105 bar
+ Steam temperature: 505 degrees
+ Total shipment of all boiler parts, steel, mechanical components etc. to the customer
Contact person at Adding:
John Sloth
+ 45 2121 4649 / js@adding.dk