If you want your plant to run with high efficiency, reliability and a long lifespan, systematic maintenance is a necessity. A good maintenance system is also a prerequisite for the transition to digital maintenance management.
Clarity and structure
Machinery always consists of a collection of components, all with different requirements for maintenance, and typically with a security circuit that must be inspected by law.
We help you get an overview, structure the associated documentation, create uniform job cards for the maintenance staff and set the frequency for the individual job in the system. So that the plant runs with as few operational stops as possible, and the load on the maintenance staff is even.
For existing facilities
We review the facility's operating history together with your operating staff, collect all existing maintenance data and supplement with the requirements of the legislation as well as data from operating instructions and experience from similar facilities. All data and the associated documentation are placed in an easily comprehensible structure, with an overall maintenance schedule.